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Break Down & Cry Songs
by   Tosh & Kudo
The Hinterland
Sample  (106K mpeg)
Millon and Half Men
Sample  (95K mpeg)
T Plays It Cool
The Jamming
Pillow Talk Dub
Sample  (133K mpeg)
U Don't Rub-a-Dub
Movin' Water
Death is a Good Advisor
(No Cover)
EEG first introduced me to this after one of his Lounge parties. We sat back and just hummed along in happiness. Fortunately, there was a copy down at Exotique which I was able to grab. The tracks are all amazingly groovy and 70's-ish (though not quite) and just set such a joyful mood. I put it on a tape with Air I and Environments 3, and I've nearly played it to death in my car. When I play it, it feels like spring. It's vinyl-only, and I don't think there's a available copy of it anywhere.
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