What's New in Sleepbot Constructs?
More information on all of these projects can be found on the Home Page.
Current Listener World Map
ah, this may be my final toy for SEB, but we'll see.
it's a map that shows where folks are listening from, without being too detailed.
it's a data sculpture, it's cross-browser stable, and it changes very very slowly.
check it out, at 4 hour intervals.
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Generalized Feed integration
okay, so this pretty much puts an end to the "what's new" section.
i'm so lazy about updating that section, so i'll just blog when things change.
then everyone will forget, and it won't be important anymore.
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Playlist feed
get the latest playlist delivered to you on a regular basis.
it looks pretty both within the feed viewer and without.
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Geo-position mash-up data support
collecting data for a listener visualiation project.
UI still not done, but statistics are accurate.
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Five launches into SEB
an immense and delicious variety of beauty for your listening pleasure.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
another 32 albums that i'd been accumulating. the pending pile is much smaller now!
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re-design of the 'root' pages of the site
yes, and it was such a long time in coming.
the design stayed technically stable for 8 years, but was way ancient in technique.
no more <FRAMESET /> code, plus a new and somewhat sleeker overall design.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
a year's-end-wrap-up of 24 more albums. happy holidays, internet!
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Three launches into SEB
one launch per month in this quarter, which included the Samhain and Holiday sets for 2006.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
a quick turn-around of 8 new albums.
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Three launches into SEB
catching up with all the delightful music that i set aside during the AftM overhaul.
glad to be back to it.
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Full re-design of Ambience for the Masses project
it took a while -- 6 months of spare time -- during which i migrated the database, re-built the broken app stack, and did a full interface overhaul.
i hope my readers will enjoy the changes.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
another 22 wonderful albums.
will such wonders never cease?
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Two launches into SEB
a slow quarter -- i'm focusing on the full re-design of AftM -- but there's always new music bubbling to the surface.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
35 additional albums into the database.
wow, so much new stuff in only 3 months!
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Four launches into SEB
another double-up month of November, plus the Samhain and Holiday sets for 2005.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
42 more albums for the great and massive archive.
so much beautiful music.
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Eight launches into SEB
yes, eight launches.
i doubled-up in both April and June, so it was a totally prolific period
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
33 albums.
and it's been a long time since i've written a review.
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Four launches into SEB
a total of 400+ tracks, comprising something over 46 hours.
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net-Label tracks added to SEB
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new albums added to Ambience for the Masses
36 albums.
there's 50 or so more stacked up that i haven't even listened to.
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Samhain track launch at SEB
another 16 hours, i believe it was.
some were pretty dark (listen in next year!) but many were sweet and wonderful.
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New tracks for SEB
about 4 batches worth in that time -- 150+ tracks, 35+ hours in all.
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82 reviews uploaded Ambience for the Masses
took me about 20 minutes to write each... you do the match.
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Additional tracks prep'd for SEB
more and more, onward and upward, always such a flurry of beauty.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
26 albums.
i think i'm gonna spend some time making reviews now.
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New tracks for SEB
another 12 hours of suffle-played luxury.
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More Seasonal Selections for SEB
i think that makes about 14 hours worth of exclusively xmas audio, mostly from my father's early music collection.
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More connections for SEB
as i write this, i'm up to 95.
but it's been fluctuating widely as of late.
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SEB re-samples and new content
another 20 or so hours, including some seasonal favorites.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
25 albums, without reviews (busy busy! see previous entry!).
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SEB re-samples and new content
probably introduced an additional 30 hours or more, both from new albums and albums that i'm re-considering while sampling them up from 96kb.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
32 albums, without reviews (too much stuff, no time to do it).
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12+ Hours of Christmas music
chants, cantatas, guitars, lutes, viols, and cathedral acoustics.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
27 albums.
a mentally exhausing task, but beauty must be served.
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Another 20 Hours of SEB Content
expanded the playlist by about 15% with fresh tracks, both old & new.
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Re-organized Root Page
hey, it's about time.
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SEB Server Change
...and perhaps another change to come.
always check back at the SEB Main page for the real deal.
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1st Annual SEB Samhain Special
oh, it was dark.
it was very, very dark.
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New albums for Ambience for the Masses
20 more albums to cover the last 11 months.
so busy, so darn busy.
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SEB is now broadcasting beats during the day
that, and Conets.
it's hard to explain...
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Tribute page for DJ EEG.
a year later, i pay many overdue respects to my friend Monte.
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Disabled RealAudio streams throughout the site.
Hyperreal.org no longer provides RealAudio streaming. i'll work on arrangements with other providers.
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Imperial Return of Sleepbot Environmental Broadcast
more connections, more bandwidth, more audio!
any time is nap time.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
21 of them to be exact (and a long time coming).
plenty of Dark ones too, but not sure why that's so.
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Premiere of Sleepbot Environmental Broadcast, Disc 4
warm, wet and earthy... click above, then the Broadcast link!
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Added Prototype Mix to Drummond Base
a 55+ minute piece of old-style vocals.
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
74+ minutes from my final Groovetech set in Seattle.
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
been holding onto these 60+ minutes since i started my machine swap. soooo much faster now!
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Premiere of Sleepbot Environmental Broadcast, Disc 3
sombre, sleepy and dark... click above, then the Broadcast link!
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
80-plus of the gooood stuff.
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
just over 100 minutes (two parts) of Jumpy Rollers.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
just 10 of them... i've been holding.
back to focusing on the Broadcast system.
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Premiere of Sleepbot Environmental Broadcast, Disc 2
trippy dreams, hopefully lucid!... click above, then the Broadcast link!
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Premiere of Sleepbot Environmental Broadcast, Disc 1
continuous musical quietness... click above, then the Broadcast link!
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
more than 70 minutes of hard Steppiness, plus a hint or so of Bristol.
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
nearly 50 minutes of drum & bass entertainment-ishy stuff.
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
65+ minutes of the harder bouncy shit, recorded live at Groovetech.
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Added three Live Mixes to Ambience for the Masses
linked to three 2-hour Ambient sets with Video, recorded live at Groovetech.
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
the nice 26+ minutes of an othewise less-than-average set, recorded live at Groovetech.
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Added Options Page, Java Candy to Drummond Base
set up client-side cookie-based option system.
single option so far to display Java Applet eye-candy whenever listening to a mix.
option to disable this feature, because slow performance machines (like my P90) aren't happy about decoding RealAudio while simultaneously running complex Applets.
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
two segments, one 25 minutes and the other 70+.
sounded really good this week.
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New albums added to Ambience for the Masses
14 of them to be exact.
hopefully, i won't wait so long between updates next time!
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
a 40 minute segment from my Groovetech show that never got transmitted.
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Posted Version 1.2 of the WRLD.time Java Clock
initialization speed increases, support for an indefinite number of digit, addition of tablets (digit combinations). new WRLD.time clocks that use these features are coming soon.
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
two parts, about 80 minutes, pruned from my weekly set at Groovetech.
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
two parts, 110+ minutes (nearly all two hours!) taken from my weekly set at Groovetech.
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Added "What's New" Section to Sleepbot
it's what you see right here. self-explanatory, i hope.
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Massaged Drummond Base Interface, Added Live Mixes
interface: split into multiple pages, polished & optimized JavaScript, added more bells & whistles (not to mention unnecessary iconicism).
mixes: two parts, 80+ minutes total, recorded live at Groovetech.
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Enhanced Morgans Interface
added new Options area, only available to JavaScript users. only one Option currently implemented; turn off the lower navigation frame (provides you with more vertical real-estate for the cards).
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
two parts, 60+ minutes total, recorded live at Groovetech.
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New Morgans Tarot Interface
all images re-scanned, revised structure & layout, JavaScript bells & whistles.
started the scanning itself the week of Halloween, and took my sweet ol' time finishing it up.
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Added Live Mixes to Drummond Base
one part, 40+ minutes, recorded live at Groovetech.
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New Sleepbot Interface
yep, spent some long hours putting perfume on my pig.
powered by JavaScript, made as cross-browser compatable as possible.
in the process, i discover that Netscape 2.0 browsers are just the worst.
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Web Implementation (c)2006, Lookit the Cat Productions
Site hosted by Hyperreal.
Issues handled by me.