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by   Gas (Wolfgang Voigt)
(Track 1)
(Track 2)
Sample  (129K mpeg)
(Track 3)
(Track 4)
Sample  (123K mpeg)
(Track 5)
Sample  (123K mpeg)
(Track 6)
(Track 7)
a tribute to simple, beautiful beats. smooth sanity anchors; seven un-named tracks, each one built upon a framework of deep, slow House-y thumps and topped off with odd patterned constructs. in fact, some of the tracks are completely beatless, but you'd never know it to hear them. a wonderful way to wind yourself down after a long sweaty night of, well, whatever. i'm also in posession of its sister EP, Oktember -- an additional two lengthy tracks of the same vein (thanks, Sally!). although i own this album on vinyl (eg. i can't scan the cover), it's more widely available in CD format.
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