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The Great Beast Speaks
by   Aleister Crowley
The Call of the First Aethyr (Enochian Version)
Sample  (130K mpeg)
The Call of the First Aethyr (English Version)
The Call of the Second Aethyr (Enochian Version)
The Call of the Second Aethyr (English Version)
La Gitana
The Pentagram
One Soverign for the Woman
The Poet
Sample  (122K mpeg)
At Sea
The Fingernails
The Titanic
Hymn to the American People
Excerpts from the Gnostic Mass
Sample  (88K mpeg)
Vive La French Republic
The Great Beast Speaks
20 minutes' worth of devious recitations, transferred off the original wax cylinders. Wonderful piece of spoken wordedness, with the only drawback being that it's a horribly crackly lo-fi recording (though faithfully bootlegged into the digital medium). It sounds spooky, and it's definitely the Man, though it's really hard to hear what he's saying. Then what do am I supposed to expect, right; it was made in 1920. More poetry than ritual, I'm afraid, but you do get to hear Uncle Crowley sing in the last track. I've seen 2 releases of this; an overly expensive import (which I believe was the first pressing), and this copy which I found at Tower Records. Sorry, but you're on your own here.
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