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The Room
by   Harold Budd
The Room of Ancillary Dreams
Sample  (96K mpeg)
The Room of Oracles
The Room of Stairs
The Room of Corners
The Room Alight
The Candid Room
The Room of Mirrors
Sample  (122K mpeg)
The Room Obscured
Sample  (94K mpeg)
The Room of Forgotten Children
The Room of Accidental Geometry
The Room of Secondary Light
The Flowered Room
The Room
The Room
In a theme reminiscent of 'Pictures at an Exhibition', each track of this track is intended to represent a different artistic unit. In this case, a space and its boundaries (which I'd say is a pretty apt metaphor for an Ambient song). These rooms are designed in various acoustically-suitable sizes. In the center of each is a large polished piano and a comfortable chair. It stands upon creaking oak floorboards, or an ornamental rug, or perhaps a deep white fur carpet. A window, or maybe two, are concealed by venetian blinds, or beads, or thick red velvet curtains. The walls too are adorned with ruddy paintings in black frames, or vines gripping to cream-white brick, or perhaps a single golden tapestry. Mr. Budd beckons us into each, and as we sit and observe, he enchants us with his skills of play and post-production. A lazy afternoon well spent. Copies of the album can still be found here and there, now and again.
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