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Revelations of Wrath
by   Andre Gurov
featuring:   Jupiter Jam and J.A.E
Non Conformist
Sample  (116K mpeg)
Message From The Serpent
The 2 Witnesses (feat. Jupiter Jam, J.A.E. & DJ Handsdown)
featuring:   Jupiter Jam, J.A.E and DJ Handsdown
Repertoire For Sale (feat. Jupiter Jam & J.A.E.)
featuring:   Jupiter Jam and J.A.E
Inmate 5360
Sample  (102K mpeg)
Green Stimulus (?)
Sample  (106K mpeg)
Chrome Lite's (feat. Jupiter Jam)
featuring:   Jupiter Jam
Organised Babbitry
The Silent Witness
Startegy 8043
Revelation of Wrath (part II)
Revelations of Wrath
Mr. Vadim has an interesting way in invoking his visions. Once again he's chosen the Hip-Hop medium, and once again he's filled it with his signature hilites and textures, creaks and drips, and of course, those irrelevant phone messages. I can't point to any one thing that stands out in the album, it's the product as a whole that's striking. Pleasant, satisfying, and when the last track ends, the instinct to repeat the disc is almost irresistable. In keeping with tradition, the segways, effects and interludes define the mood of the piece. Jupiter Jam does vocals on all tracks he invades, but rather than detracting, it just adds to the overall flow. My vinyl copy went to my cousin when I found it on CD, but for more copies, you're probably best off writing to Jazz Fudge.
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