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Light Forms (Music for light bulbs and churches)
by   Steve Roden
Truth is the Bell (Saarbrucken)
Sample  (99K mpeg)
Bell is the Truth (Berlin)
Sample  (111K mpeg)
Light Forms (Music for light bulbs and churches)
Yes, that's right. It's mr. Roden, playing lightbulbs, in an attractive way. The first track has a core stereophonic flicker which was probably a shaken filament, is punctuated with deep notes made by plucking the same, and salted with other general curiosities. The second track is more about the striking of the bulbs themselves; dropping them, tapping them against various surfaces, probably dragging one or two across the carpet or something. And he probably messed with the sounds digitally as well, a pleasant tendency of his. It's the sort of things that artists do, you know. I swear, they're all crazy. I've seen multiple copies of this album in the usual strange locations, so maybe you'll have a chance to join in the wackiness too.
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