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by   Datacide
Flashback Signal
Sample  (77K mpeg)
Part 1  (11K mpeg)
Part 2  (88K mpeg)
Deep Chair
So Much Light
Sample  (67K mpeg)
Sixties Out of Tune
I was in a jaded mood, and was just looking around Ohm (which is standard practice -- I often just look there). I listened to a few things, then picked up Flowerhead, which I'd disregarded about a month ago. I waffled, so Fohm said, "You'd love it", "You've got to listen to it at home.", and "Really, get it." I'm a gullible guy, so I took him at his word. Fohm knew what he was talking about; it's Ambient, funky and Loungy all at the same time. I then passed the same info on to EEG. He's happy now too. Rather Interesting is an offshoot of FAX and somewhat more accessible.
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Last Updated on : 02022-06-12

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