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Chill Out
by   The KLF
featuring:   Dr. Alex Patterson
Brownsville Turnabout on the Tex-Mex Border
Pulling Out of Ricardo and the Dusk is Falling Fast
Six Hours to Louisiana, Black Coffee going Coid
Dream Time in Lake Jackson
Sample  (111K mpeg)
Maurugada Eterna
Justified and Ancient Seems a Long Time Ago
Elvis on the Radio, Steel Guitar in my Soul
3am Somewhere out of Beaumont
Sample  (146K mpeg)
Wichita Lineman was a Song I Once Heard
Sample  (86K mpeg)
Transcentral Lost in my Mind
The Lights of Baton Rouge Pass By
A Melody from a Past Life Keeps Pulling Me Back
Rock Radio into the Nineties and Beyond
Alone Again with the Dawn Coming Up
Chill Out
This is the album that awoke the new Ambient music style, though it owes everything to W. Carlos. Strangely enough, it's at least 50% Orb, and was just made at the KLF's studios. It's 40+ minutes supposedly excerpted from a 480+ minutes live chill room performance. This was back when chill was unheard of (or at least cutting edge). All I can say is that sounds like a mystical journey through the English countryside. If there's only one Ambient album you ever buy, buy this one too. It's available domestically on Wax Trax, which is owned by TVT these days. Get the import: it has no chapter marks, but it's got an extra car door slamming!
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