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360 business / 360 bypass
by   Pan American
Steel Stars
Sample  (69K mpeg)
Sample  (82K mpeg)
Double Rail
Sample  (72K mpeg)
K. Luminate
Both Ends Fixed
360 business / 360 bypass
I have really come to like both sides of mr. Donne's production motifs. His Pan-American work has such an effortless rhythmic simplicity. This work has a very rail-oriented theme to it (as you might guess from some of the track names). A very lazy and plodding beat with tonal perodicity and intermittency. Something to be moved by, or by which to be lulled into a deep slumber. Music for travelling without a destination. I found this used at Amoeba, and haven't seen a new copy of it yet, so best of luck in your own hunting.
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Last Updated on : 02022-06-12

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