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by   Datacide
Sample  (42K mpeg)
Stereo Kiss
Holy Microwave
Sample  (134K mpeg)
Good Vibe
Onsurf (Hello Mr. Wilson!)
Sample  (88K mpeg)
Eternal Frequency
The back cover states "this is a stereophonic recording using total separation", which means that what's going on to the left and what's going on to the right are quite different. Now, this makes headphone listening almost impossible, but speakers do it some serious justice. Even though the channels are distinct, they're synchronous (most of the time), so the end effect is meshes very tantalizingly in your brain. The music itself is quirky electro-Lounge, cheerful and trippy, with cute little sounds other curiosities peppered throughout (to the left and/or to the right). So, though perverse in implementation, the result is nice and happy! Sorry, but you can't try it out at home; I provide my samples in mono to cut file size in half. Experience must come from ownership, and your neighborhood's obscure record shop should be able to grab it neatly.
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Last Updated on : 02022-06-12

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