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Mosquito Dream
by   James Plotkin and Brent Gutzeit
Mosquito Dream
Sample  (100K mpeg)
Sand Scroll
Sample  (108K mpeg)
Cloud Caves
Mosquito Veil
Sample  (87K mpeg)
Mosquito Dream
It would seem that these men have spent their summer vacations playing inside an immense cathedral of bronze panels and clouded glass. Mr. Plotin has brought along a glass of water and is swirling his wet fingers around anything he can get his mitts on. Mr. Gutzeit, on the other hand, has brought along his battery-powered rotating sander with the big yellow fluffy attachment. And, fortunately, they also brought along recording devices, or sadly this excursion would have been lost to the annals of time. They captured it, slowed it down, sped it back up again, and then moved it a couple octaves in each direction. Another very nice recording from the endlessly surprising folks at Kranky. Check out their site, because they may still have some copies available for the public.
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