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Midnight Moon
by   Steve Roach
Ancestors Circle
Sample  (86K mpeg)
Midnight Loom
Sample  (115K mpeg)
Broken Town
Sample  (90K mpeg)
Later Phase
Moon and Star
Midnight Moon
Dark and full of flavor, mr. Roach has once again enriched our auditory world with sweet melody. This album is suffused throughout with sumptuous guitar, weaving slowly in stereo, caressed by deep swoons and slow cascades of silk. As the cover would imply, the music brings to mind the slow rolling ocean and billowing mist of night, laced with the glow from Goddess' radiant face. Seductive, sumptuous, satisfying. The many works of mr. Roach are usually easy to come by, and i'd say that this is quite a choice pick of the litter.
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