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The Grace of Strange Weather
by   Abstract Speed
Sample  (105K mpeg)
Sample  (90K mpeg)
Eta Corina
God Plods On
Sample  (104K mpeg)
The Grace of Strange Weather
Now, here's concrete proof that it pays to have a web site. I go down to the post office to make sure I still don't have any mail waiting, and this package shows up. It's from one of the artists on this album, and he's giving me a promo copy -- whoopee!. Free stuff, I dig it! I listened to it twice while sleeping but didn't have much time to give it serious consideration. Now that I have, I like it a lot. It's very reminiscent of mr. Eno and mr. Budd, but a little more vacant than their usual stuff. Very quiet, with an interesting variety of strange sounds & effects. However, since it was sent to me, I have no idea how to find another copy... sorry!
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