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Ebb and Flow
by   Gordon Hempton
Volume Reference Tone
Ocean Beach
Sample  (110K mpeg)
Sand Dune
Sample  (88K mpeg)
Tide Pool
Rocky Cove
Sample  (100K mpeg)
Ebb and Flow
Mr. Watson's works are such an absolute wonder. There are dozens and dozens of ocean-based environmental recordings out there on the market, but so very few of them have a true dynamicism. Whereas the tracks on this disc are... well, they're just what they are. Or where they are -- the titles of his tracks are so true to their sonic image that it boggles the imagination. It's so easy to get completely lost in the world he wraps around your ears. Immense bodies of water, distorted by lunar gravity and thrust upon various mineralized surfaces -- and you take in all the subtle repercussions thereof. Most of his discs are out of print now, but there's always hope for the wisdom of future generations.
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