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Crossing the River (Night Music)
by   Bernhard Gunter
Crossing the River (Night Music)
Sample  (168K mpeg)
Haiku for Mu
Sample  (115K mpeg)
Crossing the River (Night Music)
Two nice long tracks on this disc. The first is mild and rambling, reiterant, temporally progressive but not in any particular direction; sort of like a shrug and a vague smile. The second is unmistakably human, moist breathing and dry swallowing, pensive and pointless; sort of like a calculated look of ambivalence. Which is, more or less, to say that there really isn't any point to this disc. None whatsoever. Fortunately, purpose is irrelevant in the context of music; the expression is the thing. I have a feeling that i'll be finding more temptingly pointless discs through Trente Oiseaux in the very immediate future.
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